Wake. Dad. Drink. Repeat. - Fatherhood, Retirement, and the Bookwalter Binge featuring Brent Bookwalter

This week on the pod we are joined by Brent Bookwalter! Brent is a dad to one, founder of the Bookwalter Binge, olympian and professional cyclist for Team BikeExchange. Brent is retiring from professional cycling at the end of this season which made this a perfect time to talk about his life as a Today’s Dad.

We talked about what the future looks like for his family, the joys of sharing cycling with your kids, having a baby during the pandemic (and not in your home country), his career as a cyclist and much more.

We also talked about his upcoming Bookwalter Binge Gran Fondo in Asheville, NC. The ride will take place on October 30th and you can find all the details on their website.

A big thanks to Brent for joining me on the pod this week. We are wishing him and his family nothing but the best as they start this next chapter of life and congratulate him on a great 16 year career!